HomeBlogCategory: IoT


Jun 21. 23
Planning a Vacation? How to Safeguard Your Home with Smart Technology Home security concept
Jun 21. 23
Planning a Vacation? How to Safeguard Your Home with Smart Technology

Heading out of town for your annual summer family vacation? You’re ready for fun in the sun, quality time, and relaxation, and the last thing you...

Jun 14. 23
Smart Remotes Are Ready for Their Spotlight Man controlling multiple devices in smart home
Jun 14. 23
Smart Remotes Are Ready for Their Spotlight

Move over standard, TV-only remotes! The newest smart remotes are ready to let you control multiple aspects of your home, from blinds to thermostats...

May 24. 23
Ambiq at 13: We Reflect on IoT Smart City IoT Concept
May 24. 23
Ambiq at 13: We Reflect on IoT

In 2015, Google’s then-chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt was asked about the Internet’s future during a panel at the World Economic Forum...

May 10. 23
Smart Sport Helmets Are Ready to Ride Motorcyclist with smart helmet
May 10. 23
Smart Sport Helmets Are Ready to Ride

Revolutionary advancements in helmet technology have taken safety to the next level for motorcyclists, bicyclists, skaters, and multisport...

May 03. 23
Mitigating Wildfires with the IoT Firefighters battling blaze
May 03. 23
Mitigating Wildfires with the IoT

Wildfire season brings fire and feelings of unease and anxiety, for a good reason. Wildfires can be devastating, causing widespread destruction,...

Mar 29. 23
Digital Car Keys Are Ready to Take You for a Spin Digital key inside vehicle
Mar 29. 23
Digital Car Keys Are Ready to Take You for a Spin

Remember when you needed a key to get into your car? Well, maybe not. But those days are here again — except this time the keys aren’t made of metal,...

Feb 15. 23
Predictions of Edge AI in 2023: Part 2 IoT ecosystem endpoint devices
Feb 15. 23
Predictions of Edge AI in 2023: Part 2

So, in my previous article, I discussed how we have three powerful tailwinds running into three daunting headwinds – what does this mean for Edge AI?...

Feb 08. 23
Predictions of Edge AI in 2023: Part 1 Businessman using smart watch for cloud computing
Feb 08. 23
Predictions of Edge AI in 2023: Part 1

“Only charlatans and fools predict the future, and only a fool is certain.” – some smart person probably  Predicting the...

Feb 01. 23
How Smart Homes Can Help Combat Climate Change Sustainable home concept
Feb 01. 23
How Smart Homes Can Help Combat Climate Change

Smart homes are doing more than simply making the lives of homeowners easier. Using IoT devices, home systems can become interconnected and...

Dec 28. 22
Top Gadgets to Help You Build a Smart Home Woman using smart blinds
Dec 28. 22
Top Gadgets to Help You Build a Smart Home

With intelligent, connected devices becoming more affordable and easier to use, it looks like smart homes are here to stay. Thanks to the evolution...

Dec 14. 22
Yeah, But What Is AI? Artificial Intelligence Concept Image
Dec 14. 22
Yeah, But What Is AI?

It doesn’t take long for this question to pop up at parties once people learn you’re an “AI person” (I imagine this is how podiatrists feel, minus...

Nov 30. 22
Smart Devices for Pet Health Monitoring Pet camera monitoring
Nov 30. 22
Smart Devices for Pet Health Monitoring

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace the digital era and advance remote patient monitoring, it’s no surprise that this technology is...

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