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Early detection

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Nov 17. 20
3 Challenges of Endpoint Management in the Healthcare Industry Smartwatch Technology Concept on Wrist
Nov 17. 20
3 Challenges of Endpoint Management in the Healthcare Industry

Thanks to the rise of endpoint devices like smartphones and the Internet of Things (IoT), our world has become much more connected. Whether it’s...

Oct 19. 20
Industrial IoT And The Rise Of Connected Intelligent Things Industrial IoT Machine Factory
Oct 19. 20
Industrial IoT And The Rise Of Connected Intelligent Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a revelation, showing up in our daily lives via connected smart devices like smartphones and...

Oct 12. 20
Alleviating Insomnia with Ambiq and TinyML Tablet with Predictive Maintenance Application
Oct 12. 20
Alleviating Insomnia with Ambiq and TinyML

Have you ever had somebody tell you, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? That mentality underlies an early approach to factory maintenance. Keep...

Aug 10. 20
Why Biometric Data is Key for Improving Our Health Biometric Data Improving Our Heath Concept
Aug 10. 20
Why Biometric Data is Key for Improving Our Health

You might not realize it, but biometrics is becoming a significant part of our everyday life. For example, if you use your fingerprint to unlock your...

May 27. 20
How Smart Fitness Trackers Can Help Detect COVID-19 smart band tracker concept
May 27. 20
How Smart Fitness Trackers Can Help Detect COVID-19

With the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, global leaders face the unenviable task of trying to save lives while avoiding economic collapse....

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